


Network Member
+(962) 6 593-9160

BeyondCapital is a limited company (LC) established through a joint partnership between Endeavor Jordan—a leading non-profit that supports high-impact entrepreneurs—and Silicon Badia, a global venture capital firm focusing on investments in the tech sector.

BeyondCapital is a proactive player in the entrepreneurial and investment ecosystem, leveraging a wide network to support a portfolio of 42 companies. As an ecosystem enabler, BeyondCapital has a proven record of expertise in connecting entrepreneurs with relevant support mechanisms, investors, and networks, providing them with access to capital, mentorship, talent, and potential partnerships.

Contribution to the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Through its three-pillar approach, BeyondCapital has successfully built a collaborative network within both the entrepreneurial and investment ecosystems to bridge existing gaps.

  • Financial (Venture Capital).
  • Governance (Advocacy) – As part of AEN.
  • Support Services (Networking) – As part of AEN.